
Library Hours
School Days 7:15 a.m.-2:55 p.m.

Phone: 334-897-2814
Fax: 334-897-2839

Mission Statement

To provide "all children equitable access to books and reading, to information, and to information technology in an environment that is safe and conducive to learning."
Standards for the 21st Century Learner 2007


Circulation Policy 

1. Checkouts are limited to 2 items
2. Checkouts are for 14 days
3. Any item may be renewed unless there is a hold on it. Holds must be checked out  within 24 hours.
4. Fines are 5 cents per day for all items checked out (regardless of reason for checkout)

  • fines waived only for absences with notes from office
  • fines not waived for days missed for field trips or ISS

5. No checkouts are allowed if student has:

  • $1 fine or over
  • under $1 fine over 2 weeks old
  • book overdue over 2 weeks

6. Lost or damaged items--pay for cost of the item